Thursday, January 9, 2020
A War to Preserve a Union - 1344 Words
President Abraham Lincoln, General William T. Sherman and Colonel Trowbridges differing perspectives of the Civil War created very unique views of the war. President Lincoln saw the war as a painful and necessary burden for him to bear. General Sherman saw the war as a tool to rid the United States of the rebels that were attempting to dissolve the Union. Finally Colonel Trowbridge viewed the war on a much more personal level. He witnessed first hand men fighting the government of their former masters for their freedom. While all three of the mens views differed, all three held a singular belief that the union must be preserved. That need to preserve the union was the justification for the war that the three men used. Abraham Lincolns only goal during the Civil War was the preservation of the Union. While he , â€Å"oft-expressed [the] personal wish that all men everywhere could be free,†he understood that the Union was more important than any one citizens freedom. He used th e powers granted to the executive branch by the Constitution to accomplish his goal of maintaining the Union. He viewed the war as a means to an end. President Lincoln was not eager to inflict the consequences of war on the American people. In his letter to Horace Greeley, Lincoln stated that he, â€Å"would save [the Union] the shortest way under the Constitution.†He was prepared to execute all powers granted to him by the Constitution, even if that meant going to war with the southern rebels. LincolnShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the Relationship Between Lincolns Goals of Preserving the Union and Freeing the Slaves.1455 Words  | 6 PagesDBQ Civil War Essay In the time period of 1862 to 1865, when Lincoln takes office in March 4th to his assassination, the United States was dealing with the issues of preserving the Union. In determining whether Lincoln’s goals to preserve the Union by freeing the slaves, one must assess the knowledge of their relationship. 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